A blast from the past…about politicians!

There is political turmoil…again, here in the land of Oz. I wrote this a few years back, but it seems to still hold true, and probably will remain so…forever!


My Futile Search

I’m told there is talent in our political system
But I’ve looked pretty hard and it seems that I’ve missed ‘em
I took myself off through the corridors of power
It made me depressed and got worse by the hour
‘Cos all of the members to whom I was presented
Acted like kids or were clearly demented
The place was just full of these crushing old bores
The whining idealists, political whores.
When I finally left I felt soiled and stained
And wondered aloud about what could be gained
If we chucked this lot out and elected some more
But the reality was that I couldn’t be sure
That they wouldn’t just argue like immature gits
And continue to give the taxpayer the shits.

A Short Poem about administrators…

The late, great Philip Larkin wrote This Be the Verse and he inspired this grumpy rant against administrators.

(Adapted from ‘This Be The Verse’ by Phillip Larkin)

They fuck you up, administrators,
They don’t mean to but they do,
‘Cos while you’re drowning in your work,
They add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By administrators in the past,
Who devised the systems now in use,
And whose evil spell was long since cast.

Admin hands on misery to man,
It makes working life a hell,
Because no matter what you try to fix,
It’ll fuck that up, as well.

We just had an election…wonder if anything will change?

In honour of the election here is a special poem about politicians. I’ve posted it before but hey…it never goes out of date.


Every few years we get the chance,
stroll down the road,
tick another box or two,
decide which toad
will screw us over for the next few,

break promises so easily made,
take junkets too,
raid our wallets with glee,
those well-dressed few
who spew smug platitudes and see

no shame in cat-calls, insults, petty
games – he said, she said. Lice!
You disgust me,
you clowns for whom we pay the price.



And on a lighter note I also finished the 2nd draft of the Queen of Langoria….things are moving along

Dark Nothing

This is something I did tonight – a poem to music…what do you think?


In these days of change…

In the days of change
there was chaos and confusion,
and much consternation.
Left to fill the gaps, we
constructed plausibility,
out of nothing but fragility,
not many thought that logically.
We floundered in the dark,
went feeling through the dark,
saw nothing in the dark,
submitted to the dark.
In those days of change
the light was kept up high
out of reach it passed us by,
casting shadows over hope that died.

Oh, if only I could find a good one…

An old one but a relevant one come every election

My Futile Search

I’m told  there is talent in our political system
But I’ve looked pretty hard and it seems that I’ve missed ‘em
I took myself off through the corridors of power
It made me depressed and got worse by the hour
‘Cos all of the members to whom I was presented
Acted like kids or were clearly demented
The place was just full of these crushing old bores
The whining idealists, political whores.
When I finally left I felt soiled and stained
And wondered aloud about what could be gained
If we chucked this lot out and elected some more
But the reality was that I couldn’t be sure
That they wouldn’t just argue like immature gits
And continue to give the taxpayer the shits.

The Official Politician’s Prayer

I don’t know if this will ever become out of date…probably not – so here it is again

The Official Politician’s Prayer

Our government, somehow elected,
Delusion be our game.
My god we’re dumb
But there’s work to be done
And blame to be deflected.
Delay us today our daily decisions.
And forgive us our empty promises,
As we forgive those who make empty
promises in response.
And lead us not into innovation,
But deliver us from progress.
For we have the Politicians,
With the power and the will
To speak bullshit
For ever and ever.


Taken from Grudges, Rumours & Drama Queens (the Civil Servant’s Manual)

A moment…

On the run in the harsh glare
of the sun,
blinded by intense clarity,
each sense
overloaded, ears ringing,
reality decoded
in one thunderclap moment,
torn asunder
with just one revelation;
comfort’s gone
and I’m free, but it scared the shit
out of me

Economics 101

Is economics a science?
I think not, more like a loosely formed alliance
of economists and bankers,
of lobbyists and self-interested wankers
who assume things based on fantasy
to skim the cream, fleece you and me
providing for just them and theirs
uncaring as the world despairs.

Over the Horizon

Comatose on a palm-fringed beach of my desert island,

cool currents of contentment swirl around my ankles,

the lazy sunshine of relaxation warms my skin,

boats full of refugees pass within shouting distance.


Every so often one comes ashore to offer rescue,

eyes searching in vain for my shipwrecked craft.

“To go where?” I ask

“To Paradise,” they say.

“I’m happy here.”

“But it’s just over the horizon,  we’re almost there.”


Watching them disappear over my horizon,

I can’t help wondering if they’ll ever reach theirs.